kaisa - definitie. Wat is kaisa
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Wat (wie) is kaisa - definitie

Kaisa Nyberg         
Kaisa Nyberg é uma criptógrafa e pesquisadora de segurança de computadores finlandesa.
Kaisa Matomäki         
Kaisa Sofia Matomäki () é uma matemática finlandesa, que trabalha com teoria analítica dos números.
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen         
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen (nascida em 4 de abril de 1977, em Tampere) é uma política finlandesa que actualmente serve no Parlamento da Finlândia pelo Partido da Coligação Nacional em representação do eleitorado de Pirkanmaa.Eduskunta profile Ela serviu como prefeita de Tampere entre 2013 e 2017 e venceu as eleições para o conselho municipal em 2021.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor kaisa
1. Bjoergen won in style, well ahead of Sweden‘s Anna Dahlberg, Finland‘s Aino Kaisa Saarinen and Russia‘s Natalia Matveeva.
2. Indifference toward children today will prove expensive for society tomorrow, said Finland‘s new National Ombudsman for Children Maria Kaisa Aula on her first day on the job.
3. He later took the Centre to task at a public meeting, where he dwelt at length on the Volcker report and the UPA Government’s failure to take proper action over the controversy surrounding Natwar Singh. ‘‘Kaisa nikamma Pradhan Mantri hai aur kaisa nikamma netritva hai (how worthless are the Prime Minister and the political leadership)’’ Advani said, while referring to the Volcker report row.
4. By Kaisa Alenius "Today was wonderful: I was able to sleep for 7.5 hours for the first time since the weekend.
5. Consumer Secretary Kaisa Pannimaa–Pätsiof Kuluttajat–Konsumenterna ry hopes consumers will understand that a domain name can be purchased directly from the service provider and all it takes is one phone call.